Tag Archive | Sodom & Gomorrah

#2024 GOAL – Reading Through The Bible Chronologically, day 18

Won’t you read the Bible with me this year?   It only takes a few minutes.  (You can also listen to an audio recording.)

   Day 18  Genesis 19 – 21

We ended yesterday with Abraham’s interceeding with God to spare the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah for the sake of a bare minimum of 10 righteous people living there.  God agrees, but the cities are doomed by their sin and because there is only ONE righteous man in the whole area.

Chapter 19 is God’s grace at work. The two angels go into Sodom with the purpose of rescuing Abe’s nephew Lot and his family. They are lewdly accosted by the crazed men of the city, but they incapacitate them with blindness. Forceably grabbing Lot, his wife, and two daughters, the angels flee the city just minutes before the LORD rains down sulfer and fire out of heaven and burns up the cities, all the valley, all the inhabitants, and even what grew on the ground.

Talk about narrowly escaping “by the skin of your teeth!”

To show that only Lot is righteous in this family, his wife turns back and hesitates, looking longingly at all her “things.”  And the backflash of sulfer immediately coats her and turns her into a statue of salt. (A mini Hiroshima!)  Then the broken – but righteous man – flees to live in a cave (remember he had been a very important man – a judge – in the city), and is twice made drunk and seduced by his own daughters. They both have sons by him, who later turn out to be enemies of Israel – the Moabites and Ammonites on the east side of the Jordan.

Back to the man of the hour in chapter 20, when Abraham leaves the area (the sight & stench of the burned cities?) and roams into the Negev (south of Gaza).

And then —- can you believe it? —- he tells the local Philistine king that Sarah is his sister!!!  WHAT?  At this point Sarah as about to conceive – or maybe already has conceived – the promised son, Isaac! Abimelech takes her into his household, and God immediately closes the wombs of all the women in his house. (I’m thinking that God maybe causes great impotence among the men of the house, for that would be sooner evident.) If this hadn’t happened, perhaps Abimelech “might” have claimed Isaac as HIS offspring. YIKES!

God appears to the king in a dream with, “YOU ARE A DEAD MAN because the woman you took is a man’s wife.”

Abimelech cries out that he is innocent, a man of integrity of heart. God agrees and tells him that He, Himself, had KEPT HIM FROM SINNING.  Sarah (she must really be tired of this) is returned to Abraham, who prays for the king, and God “opens the wombs of the women.”  But the king DOES indignantly accuse Abe for bringing that trouble on him, although he sends him away with more loot. (and a thousand pieces of silver to prove Sarah’s innocence.)

And FINALLY, after 25 years of waiting, the promised son, “He laughs” is born. Abe is 100, Sarah is 90, and Ishmael is about 14.  A couple years later when Sarah weans Isaac, she notices Ishmael mocking (teasing, tormenting) the toddler.  She says (again) that Hagar and Ishmael MUST GO AWAY.  This time God agrees with her and tells Abe to do just that.

With regret and sorrow (but with God’s promise of blessing) Abraham sends the Egyptian maid and her son away. In the wilderness, the gracious God meets her again, refreshes and encourages her, reminds her of His blessing on her son and “points her to the south-east.”  Later, she takes an EGYPTIAN wife for her son.

At the end of chapter 21, there is a skirmish between Abraham and Abimelech (possibly another king in the line) about some wells that Abe dug.  It’s settled and the king and his men go back to Philistia. The place is named Be’er Sheva (Beersheba) meaning “seven wells.”

And ALL is at peace…..

#2024 GOAL – Reading Through The Bible Chronologically, day 17

Won’t you read the Bible with me this year?   It only takes a few minutes.  (You can also listen to an audio recording.)

   Day 17  Genesis 16 – 18

After seeing God’s generous list of promises to Abraham yesterday despite the man’s flaws, we will see God’s continued faithfulness to him in these chapters, in and through yet another instance of Abraham “trusting his own understanding” instead of God’s.  (Consider Proverbs 3:5-6.)

In chapter 16, Abraham and Sarai/Sarah lose patience with God’s long-range, ultimate plan and decide to “provide an heir for Abe” by their own machinations. According to custom in those days, Sarah offers her maid (part of the “stuff” they got on that wayward trip to Egypt) as a surrogate provider.

Of course it happens and Hagar gets pregnant. She stupidly acts superior to the 80’s-year-old Sarah, and Sarah starts fuming. With Abe’s “okay,” she sends Hagar away – into the wilderness (presumably to die!). Wow.

But the God “who sees everything, even our grossest of sins” sees Hagar’s plight, encourages her, and sends her back to her owner. None of the three realize just HOW MUCH of an error has been made, for Hagar’s son, Ishmael, becomes the “father” of Islam, the perpetual enemy of the Jews through the ages, even until today.

Ah well, I am SO like these seniors – foolish in my “old age.”

Hagar’s son is born to Abe when he is 86.  God seems to be silent for 13 years until the surrogate son (whom Abraham has come to love very much) “becomes a man.”  And then the LORD comes to Abraham with MORE promises!! (Chap. 17)

God commands Abe to “walk before me” and “be blameless.”  He identifies Himself to Abraham as “God Almighty” (El Shaddai) (capable of doing anything). He promises to multiply Abe greatly (more than dust and stars??) He also tells and shows the 99-year-old Abraham another, binding Covenant, renaming Abram, Abraham “Father of a multitude of nations.” Besides being greatly multiplied, KINGS will come from his progeny.

This covenant will be “everlasting” though ALL generations of his offspring (the Jews), and the “sign” of it will be in ALL the males: circumcision.

God Almighty promises again for the land of Canaan to be their EVERLASTING possession. And He promises to be THEIR GOD. (Are you keeping track of all these promises?)

THEN…. to Abe’s amazing and somewhat uncomfortable enlightenment, God promises that Sarah, Abe’s one and only WIFE, will bear him a son, THE son of the Covenant.  What??  Sarah???  A mother of nations and kings????

Abraham falls on his face before God (in worship?) and laughs.  “You’re kidding,” he exlaims, “a 90-year-old woman will bear a child?”  Hahahaha, yeah right!  or Hahahaha, REALLY???  Curbing his laughter, Abe remembers his “other” surrogate son. “Oh, that Ishmael might live before you (be the covenant son).”

“Nope,” says God.  “Not him, but (for your sake) I will bless him too.  But, NO….I WILL ESTABLISH MY COVENANT WITH THE SON YOU AND SARAH SHALL BEAR. Period.” “Oh, and BTW,” says God, “you will call him “he laughs’ (Isaac).”   Fitting, right?

After God leaves, immediately Abraham circumcises himself, Ishmael, and all the men in his household. Now, THAT’S obedience!

Soon afterwards, in chapter 18, the LORD (Yahwey) appears again to Abraham, along with two “men” (angels).  Abe is wowed, runs to them in welcome, washes their feet and invites them to stay for lunch (bread, veal, millk and cheese).

Then the LORD gives Abraham a certain timeline (finally!). He tells him (and Sarah, listening in the tent) that in one year, she will bear that promised son.  This time Sarah laughs, although she denies it when God calls her on it and asks her if ANYTHING is too hard for THE LORD.

And after that meal and amazing revelation of joy, God reveals His horrendous plans for the cities in the valley (where Lot lives).  He doesn’t hide it from Abraham because:

  •      Abraham is to become a great and mighty nation
  •      All nations on earth will be blessed in him
  •      He is chosen by God
  •      He  will command his children and household to keep the ways of the LORD and do righteousness & justice.

God tells Abraham of Sodom and Gomorrah’s “grave sin” and that the “outcry” against them is great, and that God plans to utterly destroy them.  YIKES! How would you like to get THAT news?

Abraham immeditely thinks of his nephew (and his family, by then), and begins humbly, meekly, bargaining with the LORD to reconsider.  And in the process, the LORD says He will reconsider… IF THERE ARE 10 RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE living there.

(Turns out, there is ONLY ONE, so their doom is fixed. See 2 Peter 2:6-9)