Tag Archive | many promises

#2024 GOAL – Reading Through The Bible Chronologically, day 16

Won’t you read the Bible with me this year?   It only takes a few minutes.  (You can also listen to an audio recording.)

   Day 16  Genesis 12-15

   We’ve finished the book of Job.  And we left the man Job in a good place, restored and in a more intimate relationship with the LORD. 

Now we’re reading about another well-known man in the Bible. First known as Abram, the LORD later changes his name to Abraham (what I’ll call him, or maybe just Abe). 

At the end of chapter 11, we saw that Abraham’s father Terah had moved his whole family away from Ur of the Chaldeans (near modern day Bagdad in Iraq) half way along the “fertile crescent” to Haran (in modern Syria). They settled there until Terah died.

In chapter 12, God calls Abraham away from his family to a land He would show him. In this command were six wonderful, but far off promises.

  • God would make him a great nation
  • God would bless him
  • God would make his name great
  • God would make him a blessing
  • God would bless those who blessed him
  • God would curse those who dishonored him
  • In Abraham all families of the earth would be blessed (speaking of the Messiah)

Abraham obeyed (he was 75). He took his wife, nephew Lot, and all his stuff.  When he got as far as Shechem (half way into the land) God appeared and made another promise – He would give that land to Abraham’s offspring, even though it was then inhabited by Canaanites.

When a famine came, our guy LEFT the Promised Land to get food in Egypt. He nearly loses his wife (not his life) after telling a half-lie to Pharaoh. But God looks after “His man,” rescues him and sends him back to Canaan, loaded with more stuff.  This causes a probelm in chapter 13, because all his stuff and all Lot’s stuff won’t fit in the same upper pasture lands.  Abe gives Lot the choice of where he wants to live (the Jordan Valley near Sodom & Gommorah), and the elder stays where he is.

God appears to Abraham again and promises two more things: 1) all the land – north, south, east, west – will be given to Abe’s offspring FOREVER, and 2) His offspring will become as numerous as the dust of the earth. (That’s 10 promises so far!)

Meanwhile, down in the valley (chap. 14) trouble is brewing. The 5 “wicked” cities decide to quit paying tribute to the 4 kings in the east who owned them, so said kings came down to attack them, taking lots of spoil and people as slaves…. AND Lot.  A message comes to Abraham and he immediately rounds up 318 soldiers from his own household (!!) and goes after these kings. Whoa, chutzpah to the max!  But God is with him and they catch up, fight and free the slaves, goods, and Lot from the enemy.

As the king of Sodom comes out to thank and “pay” Abe, a strange ancient man named Melchizedek intercepts them, and holds a communion service with Abe, with bread and wine.  He is a king and a priest it seems, and according to Hebrews 7:15-22, a picture of Jesus. Abe tithes 10% of the spoil to him. Mel bless Abe and God Almighty.

Chapter 15 God comes to Abe in an amazing way, promising to 1) be his shield and reward, 2) give Abe his very own son, 3) and the progeny from him would number more than the stars in heaven. (We’re up to 13 promises, at least).  

Then God arranges for an age old contract (Covenant) to be made. Various animals are killed, split and laid out on the ground. The idea is, that the partners walking between them pledge that if they default on the contract, may they be as dead as the animals.  ONLY….. this time.  It is a one-way contract.  God – symbolized by fire – was the only one sealing it. And while Abe snoozed, God told him the future, which could be seen as 6 more promises.

  • Abe’s descendents would live in a land not their own for 400 years
  • They would be enslaved and afflicted there
  • God would bring them out with great judgment on the land
  • They would leave there with mega-possessions
  • Abe himself wuld live to a ripe old age and die in peace
  • Re-establishment (with details) that the land of all those Canannites would be given by God to all Abe’s descendents.