Tag Archive | love & marriage

#2024 GOAL – Reading Through The Bible Chronologically, day 19

Won’t you read the Bible with me this year?   It only takes a few minutes.  (You can also listen to an audio recording.)

   Day 19 – Genesis 22 – 24 (A sacrifice, a death, a marriage)

Chapter 22 begins with God testing Abraham with the words, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go…offer him as a burnt offering…” 

That isn’t any way that I’d like my day to begin!  But Abraham’s immediate response was obedience. There are no questions, complaints, or refusals. He gets up early with the boy, the wood and the fire, and heads to the place God will show him…. to kill his only son. He builds an alter, lays the wood on it, binds and places Isaac on top (the boy is about 20 years old!), raises the knife to kill him, and is micro-seconds away from plunging it into the “son he loves,” the son of the Covenant, through whom the Messiah would come.  Yet Abe is willing to do it.

Hebrews 11:17-19 gives us the bulwark of his faith.  He believed God would raise Isaac from the dead in order to fulfill His promise.  God’s promises are always YES! and AMEN!  God never changes. God later imputes “righteousness” to Abraham because of his faith.

1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation (testing) has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted (tested) beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also PROVIDE the way of escape that you may be able to endure it.”

And this is what God did for His friend, Abraham. STOP!  Now I know that you fear God. (God knew this all the time of course. He’s omnicient. But now ABRAHAM knew it too.)  And Abraham immeditely saw a ram caught in the brambles. This animal became the sacrifice. And the place became know as “Tthe LORD provides.” And indeed it was on that very mount that God Almighty “provided” His only begotton Son to the world, as a sacrifice and payment for their sin. (John 3:16)

Oh my! God renews His promises and gives even more:

  • I will surely bless you
  • I will surely multiply your offspring (as the sand on the seashore)
  • Your offspring will possess the gate of his enemies
  • In your Offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed

In chapter 23, Abraham’s faithful wife of 62 years dies. He negotiates with his long-time friends near Hebron to buy a burial ground, and he buries her there. (He, Isaac & Rebekah, and Jacob & Leah will all be buried there as well. It is the first concrete piece of the Promised Land that Abraham actually OWNS.)  

Isaac is 37 when his mother dieds and Abraham thinks it’s high-time that the “boy” is married. Through the 66 verses of chapter 24 we are treated with a remarkable love story.  Abe sends his faithful servant (who HAD BEEN in the line of inheritance) back to Haran where Abraham’s brother’s family still lived to acquire a wife for Isaac. (No Canaanite wife for the Son of Promise!)  

The story shows the sovereignty and plan of God in very wonderful ways as the 85-year-old faithful steward, Eliezer, travels the long distance, and relies solely on God to choose the woman whom he will take back to his master’s son.  Read it again. It’s beautiful.

And Isaac (40 years old now) sees the beautiful Rebekah and takes her as his wife. The last words of the chapter are, “So Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.”

Isn’t love grand?