Tag Archive | Judah & Benjamin

#2024GOAL – Reading Through The Bible Chronologically, day 27

   Day 27 —  Won’t you read the Bible with me this year?   It only takes a few minutes.  (You can also listen to an audio recording.)

Day 27 – Genesis 43 – 45 – (Joseph tests brothers, sends for Jacob)

Chapter 43. The second year of famine hits harder and Jacob/Israel’s family have run out of food again. The Patriarch tells his nine sons to go down to Egypt and buy more.  

Judah reminds him of the Egyptian ruler’s words – they must take Benjamin or not bother to come. When Jacob objects, Judah pledges HIMSELF as a surity for his kid brother. Jacob finally agrees to the inevitable, but tells them to take double money and some gifts.  And he prays, “May God Almighty grant you mercy before the man.”

When they arrive, Joseph brings them all into his house. He’s going to feed them a sumptuous meal, but THEY think they are doomed. Again the brothers bow down low to him. When Joseph sees Benjamin, emotion overwhelms him and flees to his bedroom to cry. After washing his face and returning as the stern vice-ruler of Egypt, he orders the meal.  He seats the brothers in birth order which amazes them. And, as a test to see if their jealousy toward Ben is really gone, heaps much more food and goodies on his younger brother. No reaction. (a good sign)

Chapter 44 tells of one more test Joseph gives his brothers.  He fills all their grain sacks to the brim, once again adding back their money, but also places his own silver chalice in brother Ben’s sack. ALL ELEVEN brothers leave, relieved at having escaped in tact.  But they soon see the dust of a chariot approaching them. Joseph’s steward accuses them of stealing his master prized cup. 

“What? No! We wouldn’t do that!!”  The Steward searches their sacks, and of course in the last one – Benjamin’s – it is found.  The brothers are terrified!  (Did they accuse their young brother of actually taking it?) The steward says only the thief will need to return, but they ALL go. They would rather face an angry Egyptian ruler than their own father if Benjamin is not with them!

Joseph feigns anger. Judah confess their guilt (selling of Joseph, but not stealing the cup) and tells him they all will be his servants.  But Joseph says only the thief stays, the rest can go home.

Now we see Judah at his best. (Remember his humble confession of sin back in chapter 38?)  Now he offers HIMSELF in place of Benjamin. (A picture of what Christ did!) He says that his father will die if Benjamin is not returned. What a change from when he first said, “Let’s kill Joseph,” with no regard to his fathers feelings. Judah has truely changed. 

Chapter 45. When Joseph sees Judah kneeling before him, offering his own life, he can stand it no longer. He sends all his servents out and breaks down. In Hebrew he confesses he is their brother, Joseph.  They are shocked, stunned, speechless, and scared to death. 

Joseph beckons them closer (to get a gook look at him) “I AM YOUR BROTHER, JOSEPH, whom you sold into slavery. Do not be distressed or angry with yourselves. God sent me before you to preserve life… to preserve for you a remnant on earth…to keep alive for you many survivors.”  He tells them of the five remaining years of famine yet to come. “It was not YOU who sent me here, but GOD. Now, hurry, go get my father and bring him to me!”

The brothers finally believe him, fall on him with mutual weeping and talk the night away.

The ELEVEN return to Jacob (can you imagine his joy at counting all the heads of his sons?). They convince him that it is true. Joseph is alive. Joseph is vice-Pharoah of Egypt. Joseph has prepared a place for them. Joseph want to see his father.

“It is enough,” Jacob cries. “I will go see my son before I die.”